My Thoughts for Today

YES, it’s my birthday! But this one is a Flagship Birthday! “The BIG SIX O”, Ha! everyone is telling me how special it is!

I thought about it for a while…and really it is just another day in time….. but it certainly gets your thought process going!

You can choose to think either positively or negatively when you hear that number, right? This made me want to write something! I am not sure why, but felt compelled to, so here I go!

For so many reasons, I feel extremely blessed this birthday. Amazing Family, friends, good health and a successful business that allows us to touch so many people’s lives in such a positive way!! Two and a half years ago, I made the decision along with my son to start our own search firm, after years of experience working in HR and executive search, I really felt ready to do this and customize the business the way I felt it should be in my heart. Aren’t you scared???.... People said……what if you fail?.. what if…. What if….. and that is what I heard….. but then I choose not to hear any of that and realized you will do what your mind and heart will steer you to! If you allow those negative thoughts to take over your mind, then you have chosen your destiny. We hear so much about attitude and passion and positivity….. and you know what? They are right…. It’s EVERYTHING! My whole life I have always worked hard to think this way and it has never failed me. Don’t get me wrong, many days it is not easy to think like this, but it is a choice I have to make and turn any negative thoughts around right away. When you don’t let obstacles that are in front of you, stop you, when you don’t let fear overcome you and paralyze you, when you don’t listen to other people who try to tell you that life is hard and challenging and why bother…..when you just choose to kick those fears away and just step out in faith and trust in what you know, amazing things will happen!

I have had such wonderful mentors that believed in me and taught me so much all along my life path that I am extremely grateful to.

So, advice to those that wish to hear it, find great people that are willing to guide you and then take the guidance! We don’t all know everything….and learning from those that have done and know, is the smartest thing you can ever do. Don’t let pride ever stand in the way… it will definitely hold you back. Also, pick good people to be in your life circle that you trust and will build you up and will be there for you and then you do the same for them. Because as you know, who we spend most of our time with influences us greatly

So….. on MY sixtieth birthday, I am sending all of YOU some of my life wisdom and wishes for your strength and courage to live out your best and fearless life yet with no excuses! Remember that little engine that could? I think I can, I think I can….. ☺

Those that know me, get it that I am all about love, kindness and gratitude….this IS my essence. My wish for you is that you also can know and live out your true essence, the person you are deep in your soul and never worry about what others may think of you.

Thanks for reading my friends…..

Love and kindness to all,
